The Solution
Dr. Jade S. Miller has identified a solution that involves a collective effort from people, industries, governments, communities, companies, and leaders to ensure and drive the inclusion of diversity in global challenges, efforts, and conversations. This approach recognizes the wealth of knowledge, innovation, insight, culture, and sustainability that diversity brings, and aims to form much more informed solutions to present and future problems.
The Solution Focus Areas
To drive and increase diversity in the Global challenges:
Invite Dr. Jade S. Miller and his networks to participate in engagements and events.
We will provide targeted and tailored speaking engagements, as well as specialist programs and services to help bridge the gap and divide.
Share the Knowledge and Wisdom with the World in the interest of inclusion, diversity, innovation and sustainability.
Our goal is to generate the investment needed to ensure that indigenous voices are part of the conversation innovations and sustainability, both presently and into the future.
Boosting diversity in global issues, challenges, and conversations is crucial for creating a more inclusive future where everyone's voices are heard and valued.
Technology and innovation can benefit from diverse perspectives, leading to more creative and effective solutions to global problems.
Sustainability efforts can be strengthened by including diverse voices and perspectives, ensuring that solutions are equitable and effective for all communities.
Acknowledging Indigenous contributions to conversations and developments in history, present, and future is essential for creating a more just and equitable society.